TruFlora™ is a medical strength probiotic containing three lactic acid producing probiotic strains and two betaglucan digesting enzymes that work together to control Candida yeast and other undesirable intestinal microorganisms.
TruFlora® can be held at room temperature (approx. 65-75 F) for up to 4 months and still meet label guarantees. This is because TruFlora® is packaged under Totally Inert Packaging (T.I.P.™) conditions in amber glass bottles containing moisture and oxygen absorption packets, inert wadding, a sterile nitrogen fl ush, and double neck seals. To meet label guarantees through expiration be sure to refrigerate and do not hold at room temperature for more than 4 months. TruFlora® can be held frozen (at –10 F or colder) for an indefi nite period of time (7 years +).
TruFlora® combines powerful probiotic strains and fiber-digesting enzymes in a formulation that can be used alone or ROTATED with other probiotics to enhance overall probiotic effectiveness. Used alone, TruFlora® colonizes intestinal contents (food in small intestine, waste in colon) and prevents domination by undesireable microorganisms when they are first ingested. Used together with other probiotics, particularly those that colonize intestinal surfaces, TruFlora creates a comprehensive Internal Probiotic Culture (IPC) where both surfaces and contents are colonized.
TruFlora® delivers > 15 billion probiotic CFU and > 10,400 units of betaglucan digesting power deep into the intestinal tract. This exerts powerful probiotic action: The probioticsproduce bio-cleansing quantities of lactic acid, the enzymes digest betaglucans. The targeted net result is a return to regularity and normal bowel function. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
PATENTED FORMULATION: Getting probiotics and enzymes through the acidic stomach and into the intestinal tract ALIVE is critical to maximizing their ability to eliminate undesireable microorganisms. TruFlora utilizes buffered alginate-gel technology protected by U.S. patents 7,122,370 and 7,229,818.